
Linux Hosting FAQ

Here are some of the common questions asked by our clients for our Linux Hosting in Kolkata, if you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to call us or email us.

Do you offer 24x7 Support

Yes, we offer 24x7 Phone and Email Support for Linux Hosting services in Kolkata.

Does your hosting come with a control panel?

Yes, with Linux Web Hosting you will get the worlds most popular control panel system - CPanel, with this you can manage all your web hosting resources

In which country is your hosting based?

You will have multiple choices, we have servers in India, Singapore, UK, USA and Australia, you can host your website in any of these regions.

Can I upgrade my account if I need to?

Yes, you can upgrade your account as and when required

Can you offer 'unlimited space'?

It's true that some hosts claim to offer 'unlimited' space. The reality is that unlimited space is actually nothing more than a marketing gimmick - the host will have a large number of other restrictions in place which will prevent you from actually using an very large amount of disk space. We prefer to be up-front about disk allocations, with no sneaky surprises. Our focus is on quality, and we invest heavily in ensuring that our hosting platform is the best possible. We use highly available SSD block storage - it's significantly faster than traditional SATA based storage, or even standalone SSD drives. We store your data three times for full redundancy, in addition to taking backups.

The truth is, you probably don't need 'unlimited' disk space. Over 95% of sites we host on our shared platform use less than 10GB, so our plans are usually more than adequate for most needs. If your priority is for unlimited space, hosts that offer this usually do so using cheap disks, and often have overcrowded servers. We always want our focus to be on quality, and ensuring that our customers always enjoy the best possible speed and reliability for their websites.

Will my account be backed up?

We take an automatic backup on a daily basis for all accounts. Customers on our Startup and Performance plans can restore files directly from these backups via your control panel, as well as initiate on-demand snapshots of their account.

What servers do you run?

Our servers have high end Intel Xeon processors (8+ cores) with at least 32GB RAM. The drives are configured in a RAID array, which provides for protection in the event of drive failure as the data is distributed across multiple disks. In most drive failure instances, we are able to replace the faulty disk without even taking the server offline.

How secure are your servers?

Our servers are very secure, we have heavily invested in the security of the servers, all our servers are protected with multiple security devices, we have a team dedicated to check and fix security related problems and we regularly test our servers are any vulnerabilities

Can I get root access?

Yes, if you have purchased a dedicated server, you can get root access to the server.